ViQue Scanning Kiosk
Introducing the ViQue Scanning Kiosk which will be implemented in and around your Task forces work areas abd traffic control points. The scanners will improve daily accountability accuracy and processing speed.
Click the image below to view the ViQue promotional video.

ViQue Software Update Schedule
JRMS Updates

Libby is an application that allows you to read books or listen to audiobooks borrowed from your local library or the DOD MWR Library. Click HERE for a tutorial on how to use Libby.

Introducing the Bring Your Own Approved Device (BYOAD) pilot program. Register your personal mobile device and gain access to resources such as A365 apps, MyPay, & email anywhere you have an internet connection. Enroll and participate in the BYOAD pilot today. Click HERE to access the BYOAD enrollment guide.