The Texas National Guard Drug Demand Reduction Outreach program, in collaboration with government agencies and community organizations, develop, implement and evaluate drug prevention strategies in an effort to reduce substance misuse and its destructive impact in our communities. Drug Demand Reduction Outreach specialists provide training and support in leadership, planning, decision making and interagency collaboration while advancing community-led efforts.

Coalitions Supported
- Drug Enforcement Administration-Houston
- LifeSteps Council on Alcohol and Drugs
- Department of Tribal Empowerment
- Prevention Awareness Team of Hidalgo County
- Texas ChalleNGe Academy
- Northwest Substance Abuse Collaborative
- Webb County Community Coalition of Scan
- F.R.I.D.A.Y.
- San Antonio Council on Alcohol and Drug Awareness
- Coalition of Substance Abuse Prevention
- Aliviane
- Blanco Coalition of Awareness Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse
- El Paso Human Services
- Prevention of West Texas Services
- All Texas High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas
- And yours!!! Request Support below