About 36th ID
36th Infantry Division
The 36th Infantry Division was created in 1917 and first saw combat in World War I. During World War II its amphibious assault at Salerno, Italy made it the first American division to land on the continent of Europe. After bloody battles to take San Pietro and cross the Rapido River, the 36th led the breakout from Anzio and became the first Allied unit to pass through Rome. The division helped spearhead the invasion of Southern France and fought its way through the Siegfried Line into Germany and Austria. Throughout the Cold War the Fighting 36th manned the ramparts of freedom, keeping a constant vigil until the communist threat collapsed. From peace keeping missions in the Balkans and Kosovo to numerous overseas deployments in support of Operations New Dawn, Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, and most recently Spartan Shield the 36th Infantry Division has continuously played an historic and vital role in America's defense. In addition, it has come to the aid of fellow Texans during numerous major hurricanes, various other natural disasters, border security and civil disturbance operations, and has helped vaccinate over twenty six million Texans against COVID-19. Since World War I the 36th Infantry Division has continued to prove its ability to safeguard the freedoms and livelihoods of all Americans at home and abroad.