BROWNSVILLE, Texas – In response to increasing illegal immigrant traffic on the University of Texas Brownsville campus, Texas National Guard Airmen, along with law enforcement partners, have installed barriers and continue to patrol the area, regularly apprehending illegal migrants attempting to use the campus to evade detection.
According to university officials and local law enforcement agencies, illegal migrant trafficking was a daily occurrence along the property. The college was not only experiencing a rise in trespassing incidents, but theft and property damage increased in parking lots and common areas throughout the campus.
The Texas Guard began an army engineer operation to clear brush and install triple-strand concertina wire along the fence line of the college late last year during a large influx of illegal crossings occurring between Brownsville’s two main international ports of entry.
Operation Lone star also increased the number of security points and added roving patrols between the ports of entry. During April and May, the Guard surged manpower, equipment and capabilities to the area.
The Guard has maintained a focused presence in the area to protect local businesses, residence and government entities from illegal migration and criminal activity. Texas National Guard is dedicated to preventing, deterring and interdicting transnational criminal activity, in conjunction with our state and local partners, along the Texas and Mexico border.