Q. What is the Tuition Assistance program?
A. The Army’s Tuition Assistance (TA) Program provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty civilian education programs in support of a Soldier's professional and personal self-development goals.
Q. Who is eligible for Tuition Assistance?
A. Active duty, National Guard, and Reserve Soldiers who meet qualifying standards. Commissioned officers incur a service obligation if they use TA.
Q. Why did the Army make these changes to TA?
A: We looked at the Voluntary Education (VOLED) program holistically – TA and CA are both part of VOLED. We wanted to bring the Army into closer alignment with the other Services and this policy change does that. These changes also help ensure the long-term stability of VOLED programs and maximize benefits for Soldiers based on available funding.
Q. Will Tuition Assistance always be available?
A. TA will be available if there is funding for voluntary education programs. The TA program depends on approved budgets and/or continuing resolutions. If either the Army, ARNG, or USAR reaches their budget limit for the FY, the program will be temporarily suspended for that component.
Q. What happens when a Soldier fails to meet course standards with an acceptable grade?
A. The Army recoups the cost of the course if a Soldier receives an unsuccessful grade.
Q. How much does Tuition Assistance pay towards semester hours?
A. With this policy change, the Army will pay for up to 18 semester hours a fiscal year. The semester hour cap remains at $250 per semester hour.
Q. Do Soldiers get $4500 for TA and $4500 for CA each year?
A. The Fiscal Year (FY) annual cap per Soldier is $4500 TOTAL for TA and CA combined. (CA limit is $2000 per FY). This is an increase from $4000 and 16 semester hours per year.
Q. What if the Academic Institution is only $175 per semester hour, can a Soldier exceed the 18 semester hours since there will be money remaining in annual allotment?
A. No. The semester hour cap is 18 per fiscal year.
Q. What if an Academic Institution charges $300 per semester hour?
A. Tuition Assistance will cover $250 per semester hour and the remaining $50 per semester hour would be the responsibility of the Soldier.
Q. Must a Soldier complete ArmyIgnitED 101 Training if they have already utilized TA or CA?
A. No, this training is only for first time users of TA and CA
Q. Must a Soldier complete Career Path Decide (CPD) prior to using TA if they have already utilized TA previously?
A. No, CPD is only required for first time users of TA; however, Soldiers are highly encouraged to complete the tool and meet with an education counselor in their education office to help plan their education journey.
Q. Where do I find Career Path Decide?
A. Though there are links to Career Path Decide within ArmyIgnitED when a Soldier attempts to utilize TA for the first time, Soldiers can also go to https://careerpathdecide.org/.
Q. I am a Soldier who has an approved 3 SH TA request (TAR) for a January 2025 course where I previously used 15 SH. That approved request has 1 SH covered by TA and I am student funding the remaining 2 SHs. Once the policy changes take effect and the 2 additional SHs become available can my Ed Center edit my TAR or create an HTAR to get the remaining 2 SHs covered by TA?
A. No. Ed Centers should not modify TARs that have already been requested and approved and HTARs will not be approved for this situation. A Soldier who wishes to have the full three SHs described in this situation for a course that starts in January should cancel the approved TAR and create a new TAR for the same class and it will now be fully funded.
Q. What is the TA eligibility status for 09R / 09S?
A: Not eligible (must meet the one year after completing Initial Entry Training rule.) Note – If you have prior service (any branch) and meet the one year after AIT/WOBC/BOLC rule, you can use TA provided they are not on any type of ROTC Scholarship.
Q: Does 18 semester hours of TA-funded classes start at the beginning of the calendar year or at the beginning of the academic year?
A: The 18 semester hour is based on the fiscal year, 1 October to 30 September. TA is associated with the class start date within a fiscal year.