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Texas Military Department News

"Texans Serving Texas"
UPDATE: Domestic Operations Commander Named Texas Dual Status Command for Hurricane Harvey Recovery Efforts
AUSTIN, Texas (August 28, 2017) – Maj. Gen. John F. Nichols, the Adjutant General of Texas, is pleased to announce Brig. Gen. Patrick Hamilton, of Round Rock, has been named Commander of the Dual Status Command for Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. He will lead the approximately 12,000 military men and women from the Texas Army and Air National Guards, Texas State Guard and other federal entities supporting these efforts.
The request made by Governor Greg Abbott, for Texas National Guard Dual Status Command, was granted, today, by Secretary of Defense General James Mattis. Through a Memo of Agreement, Secretary Mattis granted Governor Abbott's request, which allows for a centralized command and control operation, as well as allows federal and state troops a singular chain of command.
"I am grateful for the quick action of the Secretary Mattis and the White House for providing Texas the recourses and flexibility we need to respond to the devastation caused by this storm," said Governor Abbott. "My top priority is the safety and security of Texans and this DSC will allow us to make sure people get the help they need especially those in life-threatening danger. I also thank Brigadier General Hamilton for his leadership during this trying time, and all our brave first responders for their countless acts of bravery and selflessness."
Currently, Hamilton currently serves as the Director, Joint Staff of the Texas Joint Force Headquarters and Commander of the Domestic Operations Task Force. The Domestic Operations Task Force is comprised of over 4,000 Soldiers and Airmen and provides defense support to civil authorities across the state of Texas, to include border security operations, counterdrug operations, as well as hurricanes, floods, wildfires and winter storms.
“This agreement will allow General Hamilton to serve as the direct link between both the state and federal counterparts, allowing for a quicker more efficient response that enables us get the much needed help to the citizens of Texas,” said Maj. Gen. John F. Nichols, Texas Adjutant General. “Gen. Hamilton’s leadership and his ability to command is a testament to why he was selected for this position.”
Hamilton is a highly experienced and decorated leader with an extensive career of military service. He commissioned from Texas A&M University in 1985, is a career Armored Cavalry officer and has commanded at all levels, from platoon through brigade. Hamilton earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, and holds a Master of Strategic Studies degree from the United States Army War College.
The mission of the Texas Military Department (TMD) is to provide the Governor and the President with ready and trained forces in support of the citizens of Texas and State and Federal civil/military authorities at home and abroad.
The Texas Military Department is commanded by the Adjutant General of Texas, the state's senior military official appointed by the governor, and is comprised of the Texas Military Department (formerly the Adjutant General's Department), the Texas Army National Guard (TXARNG), the Texas Air National Guard (TXANG), the Texas State Guard (TXSG) and the Domestic Operations Command (DOMOPS).
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Texas Military Department Public Affairs
P.O. Box 5218, Building 10
Camp Mabry (Austin), Texas 78703