TXSG Team Wins First Place In 2009 Texas Adjutant General’s Combat Pistol Sustainment Exercise Competition
MAJ J. Michael Spraggins, PAO, TXSG TMF
The QRT 19RGMT Team with their certificates pictured (L-R) SFC Dan Dzivi, SFC Mark Sliger MAJ Barry Hobbs, SGT Admir Pasalic and 1SGT Booth (not pictured).Photo by QRT 8RGMT TXSG TMF
Camp Swift, Bastrop Texas - The Texas State Guard (TXSG) took top honors winning both the individual and the team combat pistol events on a rainy and cold weekend recently at Camp Swift. High pistol shooter was SSG Daniel Ernest, who won the competition last year. High team was 19th QRT (SFC Dzivi, SFC Sliger, SGT Pasaic, 1SGT Booth, MAJ Hobbs (19th QRT Commander). High Novice: 1LT Bornwell, 8th QRT, TXSG.
19TH QRT scores in the Individual category were: Hobbs Barry R. - 604, Sligar, Mark W. - 736, Dzivi, Daniel R. - 586, Pasalic, Admir - 527. Team score was 3141.
TXSG shooters were awarded four out of the eight coveted Governor’s Twenty tabs that were awarded. The TXSG citizen – soldiers awarded the Governor’s Twenty tab were SSG Ernest, 2LT George, 1LT Bornwell and SFC Sliger.
A total of 42 personnel participated in this year’s event. Second and third placed teams were the 136th AW TXANG.
The Texas State Guard is one of the three branches of the Texas Military Forces. However it operates a little different than the Texas Army and Air Nation Guard. The individual TXSG soldiers must pay for all, uniforms, equipment, ammunition, travel and training expenses out of their own pocket and only draw a small stipend from the State of Texas when they are activated by the Governor for State Active Duty (SAD).
The TXSG mission as a branch of the Texas Military Forces is to provide mission-ready military forces to assist State and Local authorities in times of state emergencies, with homeland security and community service through Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA). To augment the other two branches of the Texas Military Forces, the Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard as force multipliers.