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"Texans Serving Texas"
Members of the media wishing to request a seat on the helicopter, must contact and coordinate details with the Texas Military Department State Public Affairs Office no later than 12:00 p.m (this is a firm time)., Friday, May 4, 2018. Please note seats on the helicopter are limited and will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. Those media representatives selected for the flight will be notified via email/phone with additional instructions.
Members of the media who wish to attend, but do not wish to request a seat on a helicopter are required to RSVP no later than Monday, May 21, 2018, by 5:00 p.m. with the Texas Military Department State Public Affairs Office at 512-782-5620 or email
This exercise will take place in various locations in and around the Austin area with members of the media who have RSVP’ed to receive further information with respective media times.
Texas National Guard partners TX-TF 1, DPS, APD and others partner for an Aviation Search and Rescue exercise
AUSTIN, Texas (May 2, 2018) – Members of the Texas Military Department will partner with Texas Task Force 1, Texas Department of Public Safety, the Austin Police Department and numerous other state, federal and military agencies from across Texas and the nation to conduct aviation search and rescue exercises in the Austin area, May 23, 2018.
On Wednesday, May 23, 2018, members of the media will receive the opportunity to view the joint-training exercise from a UH-72 Lakota helicopter. Seats will be limited and are a first come, first serve basis. Should the response be too great, it is possible a media pool will be required for the flight.
The joint training will demonstrate the partnership between the Texas Military Department and partner first responder agencies across the state while conducting helicopter rescue familiarization, search and rescue training, disaster airspace coordination training and mission support and coordination training. There are approximately 20 aviation assets from agencies across the state and nation scheduled to participate in this training exercise.
“The shear destruction and aftermath of Hurricane Harvey demonstrates the importance of being ready to respond to the state’s call for assistance. These training scenarios not only further test our ability to react but help improve communication and coordination with our civilian partners,” said Maj. Gen. John F. Nichols, the Adjutant General of Texas. “Because the Texas Military Department is involved with our local communities, this joint/interagency training builds mutual support in the event of a crisis and further enables us to better serve and defend the citizens of Texas.”
For more information on the media day or to request a seat on the helicopter during a portion of the training, please contact the State Public Affairs Office at 512-782-5620 or email at
Those media representatives selected for the flight will be notified via email/phone with additional instructions. Please note additional video, photography and interview opportunities will be available from the ground.
The mission of the Texas Military Department (TMD) is to provide the Governor and the President with ready and trained forces in support of the citizens of Texas and State and Federal civil/military authorities at home and abroad.
The Texas Military Department is commanded by the Adjutant General of Texas, the state's senior military official appointed by the governor, and is comprised of the Texas Military Department (formerly the Adjutant General's Department), the Texas Army National Guard (TXARNG), the Texas Air National Guard (TXANG), the Texas State Guard (TXSG) and the Domestic Operations Command (DOMOPS)
For more information about the Texas Military Department visit our Website at
Texas Military Department Public Affairs
P.O. Box 5218, Building 10
Camp Mabry (Austin), Texas 78703