By: LTC Cendy Antley, 2nd Regiment
Posted: 18-JUL-14
We all know Texas State Guard members are people who give of themselves selflessly to the citizens of the state of Texas. Saturday, July 16, 2014 was no different. On Interstate 35 South at Waco, CPL Michael Dunlap witnessed what few would ever want to see in their lifetime.
At approximately 5:45 p.m. CPL Dunlap was driving home to Austin when he witnessed a motorcycle in the right hand lane, on its side, on fire, with the driver lying in the lane not moving. Fuel was running down the overpass on fire. Without hesitation, CPL Dunlap stopped his car, checked to make sure the scene was safe, and pulled the driver of the motorcycle to safety with the assistance of a truck driver.
The motorcycle driver was conscious and answer pertinent questions posed by the CPL. While no one Texas State Guard member expects to put their life on the line to save a stranger, we are very proud of CPL Michael Dunlap as he exemplifies what a State Guardsman is made of. CPL Michael Dunlap is the true grit of a Texas State Guard. Bravo Zulu.