Texas State Guard wins rifle competition... Again!

CPT Esperanza Meza, PAO, TXSG
AUSTIN, Texas – For the second time in the last two years, the Texas State Guard’s 19th Regiment Marksmanship Team has won top honors in this year’s 2012 Adjutant’s General’s Combat Rifle Competition Match and Sustainment Exercise held at Camp Swift. This is the second competition won this year, with part of the same winning team for the Combat Pistol Match held earlier this year.

The Rifle Team included CPT Theodore Baroody, Quick Response Team Commander and Officer in Charge of the team, SGT Scott Hunt, 19th REGT HQ, SGT Sean Mounger, 1st Battalion, and SGT Wade Lay, 19th REGT HQ. Of the eight Governor’s 20 tabs for the Rifle Competition in 2012, four went to the State Guard. SGT Hunt was awarded one of the coveted tabs that included the Pistol Competition earlier along with SGT Mounger.

For the past two years, 19th Regiment’s rifle and pistol team has dominated the Adjutant General’s rifle and pistol competitions winning both events, a feat not held by the same unit since the start of the Texas State Guard’s initial entry into the events in 2008.

Approximately 100 competitors from the Texas National Guard, Texas Air Guard and Texas State Guard participated in the event held February 25 and 26 at Camp Swift, a training facility near Bastrop.

COL David Erinakes, Commander of the 19th Regiment, congratulated his soldiers on their performance.

“This win showed the drive and determination of their team that represents the same drive and determination the entire State Guard brings to the table for the citizens of Texas.“

CPT Baroody, the team’s OIC, added “The 19th Regt Marksmanship Team purchased their own ammo and rifles for the competition, and practiced on their own time.“

The competition was organized by the State Competitive Marksmanship (SCM) Program in the Texas National Guard. The SCM is managed by the State Competitive Marksmanship Coordinator, MAJ John Suprynowicz.