Texas State Guard 2nd Regiment renders final salute

Story by:  1st Lt. Ernesto C. Garcia

Posted:   June 19, 2015

final salute
Soldiers from the 2nd Regiment, Texas State Guard, and Texas Army National Guard, render a "final salute" to U.S. Army soldier and Korean War veteran PV2 Lovry Davenport in a ceremony at the Cook-Walden/Capital Parks Cemetery, Pflugerville, Texas, May 25, 2015.  Sfc. Matt Allen, 2nd Regiment, Texas State Guard, presents a U.S. Flag to Davenport's daughter.  The Texas State Guard honors veterans by participating in military ceremonies and community events. (Texas State Guard photo by 1st Lt. Ernesto C. Garcia/ Released)

AUSTIN, Texas – On Memorial Day, soldiers from the Texas State Guard and the Texas Army National Guard honored U.S. Army soldier and Korean War veteran, PV2 Lovry Davenport (deceased), by presenting the United States Flag to his family in a ceremony at the Cook-Walden/Capital Parks Cemetery, Pflugerville, Texas, May 25, 2015.  The Texas State Guard honors veterans by participating in military ceremonies and community events.  

Texas State Guard 2nd Regiment Sfc. Matt Allen learned that a close friend had recently lost her father in Illinois.  Since the daughter lived in Texas, Allen decided to have the service of PV2 Davenport honored in Texas.  "This honorably discharged veteran deserves our recognition here where his family lives," Allen commented, "because We are Texans Serving Texans."

Allen arranged to have the Davenport family meet at the cemetery on Memorial Day. At the ceremony, the soldiers folded the flag into the symbolic tri-cornered shape, similar to the tri-cornered hats worn by colonial soldiers during the American Revolution in 1776.  The red and white stripes are folded into the blue, symbolizing the light of day fading into the darkness of night. The blue field of white stars is the top of the folded flag.

Allen placed the flag in a display case as a keepsake for Davenport's daughter and  presented the flag to his friend on behalf of a grateful nation as a token of appreciation for PV2 Davenport's honorable and faithful service. He then rendered a final salute.

Soldiers in the formation are Texas State Guard 2nd Regiment Staff Sgt. Jason M. Myers, Sgts. Don E. Walden and Christopher L. Gano, and Spc. James D. Waddington, Headquarters Sgt. Maj. Dewayne D. Naumann, and Army Component Command Sgt. Maj. Morris W. Hickman, and Texas Army National Guard Sgt. Julian A. Quinones.