Frequently Asked Questions:
What does it mean to be on SAD?
- SAD status means that you are a temporary state employee with the pay and entitlements established by Texas Government Code §437.005.
When do I get paid?
- For members on a SAD mission that is less than 60 days: the Service Member will be paid 2x per month. For members joining an existing operation, SAD pay is on a monthly pay cycle.
- Service Members on SAD will initially be taxed at a rate of 22%, and then at their W4 rate once it is processed.
- State active duty of more than 14 days is covered by Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights. For more information contact: 800-336-4590, Option 1, or email
*This applies to ARNG, ANG and TXSG
How do I get paid?
- ARNG and AGR will fill out a direct deposit State Form (SF) 74-176 during in-processing to receive an electronic funds transfer (eFT). For TXSG, the check will be mailed to their home of record (HOR) or State Guardsman will complete a SF Direct Deposit SF 74-176 and submit to the J1.