North Texas State Guard Unit deployed by Governor Perry to assist in aftermath of wildfires

North Texas State Guard Unit Deployed by Governor Perry to Assist in Aftermath of Wildfires
Texas States Guardsmen from the 4th Civil Affairs Regiment, Texas State Guard (TXSG) located in Denton, Decatur and Fort Worth, Texas had an eventful Easter holiday weekend due to the devastation caused by a recent string of wild fires in Montague, Jacksboro and Cook counties, where over 100 homes were destroyed.

Members of the Texas State Guard deployed at the request of its Commander in Chief, the Governor of Texas to team up with the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, Texas Baptist Men and the Texas Animal Health Commission to name few who were among the 19 organizations in Montague County, offering assistance at the Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster Assistance Center (VOADAC).

Many families across the counties were still in shock, trying to sort out how to begin cleanup and rebuilding of their homes. The flames were undiscriminating; others were even less fortunate having lost everything they had to the wind swept flames.

The sight of the Texas State Guard men and women being there rendering assistance and aid in time of need was emotional for many. Frazzled, lost or in need of assistance, they came from various areas, what some have described as a “different planet, scorched and devastated, total despair”.

All of Texas can not help but to stand tall and be proud of these citizen – soldiers who sacrificed their personal time with their families at Easter to answer the call for help from fellow Texans in times of need. “The true meaning of the State Guard’s motto “Texans Serving Texas”.

The Texas State Guard is oldest of three branches of the Military Forces of the State of Texas, reporting to the Governor of Texas and the Adjutant General. The other two Branches are the Army and Air Guard.

TXSG has units throughout the State of Texas, providing Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) by maintaining a highly trained, mission-ready, military force, providing services to state and local authorities in times of State Emergencies and Homeland Security throughout Texas;

MAJ J. Michael Spraggins contributed to this story