What is the Minuteman campaign?

The Minuteman Campaign is a U.S. Army Cadet Command initiative to offer Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD) scholarships to candidates that self-select for service in a Reserve component. The GRFD scholarship provides full tuition and fees or room and board ($12,000 per year) for up to four years at a public or up to three years at a private school. This program provides well-trained officers to the Reserve Components and improves the total Army force. 

If you are a high school senior interested in receiving an Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) scholarship and commissioning into the Army National Guard, the GRFD Minuteman Scholarship provides you with an excellent opportunity.

Types of Scholarships.

  1. 4-year scholarship may only be awarded to incoming college freshmen attending a host ROTC program at a public university.
  2. 3-year Advance Designee awarded to an incoming college freshman attending a host ROTC program that pays the last 3 years of benefits.
  3. 3-year awarded to an incoming college sophomore that pays the last 3 years of benefits provided the applicant successfully meets the requirements to contract.
  4. 2-year awarded to an incoming college junior or graduate student that pays the last 2 years of benefits provided the applicant successfully meets the requirements to contract.

Scholarship recipients also receive a yearly book allowance of $1,200 and a monthly stipend from $420 while attending school, depending on their year in the ROTC program. In addition, Minuteman recipients participate in the Simultaneous Membership Program, which gives them experience with a National Guard unit’s monthly drills and a 14-day annual training for which they are paid as a sergeant (approximately $7,500 a year). After graduation and commissioning, Minuteman Scholarship recipients are guaranteed placement in the Army National Guard.

To get started, high school seniors should contact the Professor of Military Science or Recruiting Operations Officer (ROO) at the Army ROTC program that serves their college or university. There are 275 host programs that cover nearly 3,000 schools across the United States.

Currently enrolled Cadets participating in an ROTC program are not authorized to receive a MM nomination.  These individuals are encouraged to apply for a campus based GRFD scholarship, contact your ROTC program.

To find a program that serves your college or university, go to Find ROTC Schools and Military Colleges | goarmy.com.

Deadline for all nomination letters is 04 August 2025. Nominations are only for fall 2025 or spring 2026.

*By accepting the Minuteman Scholarship, a cadet is not eligible to compete for active duty.

Minuteman Scholarship Cadets can be nominated from any State Adjutant General (TAG), and any Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army (CASA), in lengths of 2YRs up to 4YRs for a scholarship. These scholarships are limited each year and need a nomination memo with a handwritten signature from the nomination source.

Texas Army National Guard ROTC Program coordinator: ng.tx.txarng.mbx.rotc@army.mil Subject: ATTN Minuteman Scholarship or call 512-653-7349.

School Year 2025-2026 Qualifications 

• Currently in the Army National Guard or eligible to enlist (meaning test and physically qualified but not sworn in)
• U.S. Citizen or U.S. National
• Between the ages of 17-28; cannot turn 31 by 31 December of the year of commissioning
• Valid Chapter 2 MEPS physical for enlistment
• Able to pass a Cadet Command Army Combat Fitness Test (required to sign a contract and receive scholarship benefits)
• Be in compliance with AR 600-9 body composition standards
• Official University/College acceptance letter
• Applicants require: 2.5 GPA, SAT or ACT scores, and 31 or higher ASVAB score
• Pass ROTC Professor of Military Science commander interview
• Enroll in ROTC 
• Willing to participate in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)

***Nursing majors are ineligible to receive a minuteman scholarship regardless of length or component.***


How To Apply

1.  Meet all scholarship qualifications (see above).

2.  Seek a nomination. Texas Army National Guard Recruiters can assist in obtaining a nomination. Please contact your local TXARNG recruiter, or complete the form in order to seek nomination.

3.  The school must be a host or be affiliated with an ROTC program. https://www.goarmy.com/rotc/find-schools.html.

4.  The Texas Army National Guard will submit the nomination to the US Army Cadet Command Recruiting (USACC), Marketing and Incentives Division (RMID) point of contact.  HQ Cadet Command will send the nominations to the ROTC brigade and the nomination will then be forwarded to their respective schools.

5.  Upon receipt of the verified Minuteman nomination letter, the ROTC Program builds the scholarship packet and verifies requirements.  All required documents are sent through their respective Brigades to USACC RMID for processing.

The applicant must be test/physically qualified – Qualified Not Enlisted (QNE) with the MEPS. The applicant will not be required to swear-in until they have received a ROTC scholarship offer letter.

All Minuteman Scholarship Cadets must be an SMP participant in the National Guard. All nominees will be made aware that the scholarship they are accepting is a dedicated GRFD and CANNOT BE REVOKED to allow the applicant to compete for an active-duty commission.

All scholarship offers are subject to available funding.


First Name is required.
Last Name is required.
Telephone Number is required.
Email Address is required.
Current Zip Code is required.
Name of College/ROTC Program is required.
Do you meet all the Qualifications is required.

Civilian Aides to the Secretary of the Army (CASAs) are business and community leaders appointed by the Secretary to advise and support Army leaders across the country. CASAs come from many professions including business, education, finance, industry, law, the media, medicine and public service. Each is proactively involved in the community and brings to the position an interest in the Army, a high degree of business and civic leadership and an ability to influence the public. CASAs are Special Government Employees who agree to serve as representatives of the Secretary of the Army without salary, wages or related benefits, and are afforded a 3-star protocol status. Each CASA is committed to supporting all Department of Army Civilians, Soldiers and their Families. In particular, CASAs partner with the Soldier for Life program to assist Soldiers as they transition from the Army.

Texas (North) ANDERSON, DARCY G.
Texas (South) BRAY, JOSEPH D.
Texas (Central) COX, KENDALL P.
Texas (North) DEPINTO, JOSEPH M.
Texas (Central) FUENTES, EDGAR
Texas (East) KOPRA, TIMOTHY L.
Texas (Brazos Valley) PUGH, DANIEL J.
Texas (West) RODRIGUEZ, GUS J.
Texas (Capital Region) SUBHANI, ABDUL B.
Texas (East) TREVINO, MYRNA C.