Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation

This emblem was awarded to members of the Armed Forces of the United States for services culminating in the liberation of the Philippine Islands during the Second World War. The conditions were the same as would be required for award of the Presidential Unit Citation of the United States. The award is made in the name of the President of the Republic of the Philippines. The ribbon is slightly larger for the Army and worn on the right breast; for the other services, the ribbon is the standard size.
The citation was first awarded to units of the Armed Forces of the United States in recognition of participation in the war against the Japanese Empire during the periods 7 December 1941 and 10 May 1942, inclusive, and 17 October 1944 to 4 July 1945, inclusive.
The Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation (PRPUC) was also awarded to several U.S. military units for outstanding service to the Republic of the Philippines in 1970 and 1972 during disaster relief operations.
In December 2007, the PRPUC was approved for acceptance and wear by the DoD for units that supported Exercise BALIKATAN 02-1 during the period of 31 January 2002 to 31 July 2002. Please contact your base MPE for a listing of eligible units.
Ribbon Description
The ribbon has three wide stripes of equal width. Starting from the left, a wide stripe of blue, a wide stripe of white and a wide stripe of red. The ribbon is enclosed in a rectangular 1/16 inch gold frame with laurel leaves.
Authorized Device
Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation

This unit award was presented to units of the United Nations Command for service in Korea under the same conditions as would be required for the award of the Presidential Unit Citation of the United States.
It is awarded in the name of the president of the Republic of Korea. It is a ribbon award with accompanying citation.
Ribbon Description
The ribbon has a broad white stripe and in the center is a tae-guk (an ancient Korean symbol), half red and half blue. The broad white center stripe is flanked on either side by thin stripes of green, white, red, white, red, white and a wide stripe of green at the edge. The ribbon is enclosed in a rectangular gold-colored frame with laurel leaf designs.
Authorized Device
Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation

The Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation was awarded to all personnel assigned to the Military Assistance Advisory Group, Indo-China, during August and September 1954.
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation

The unit citation of the Gallantry Cross is awarded by the Vietnamese government for valorous combat achievement. It is awarded in four degrees as follows:
a. With Palm-to a unit which is cited before the Armed Forces.
b. With Gold Star-to a unit which is cited before a corps.
c. With Silver Service Star-to a unit which is cited before a division.
d. With Bronze Star-to a unit which is cited before a regiment or brigade.
Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation

The unit citation of the Civil Actions Unit Citation is awarded by the Vietnamese government for meritorious service. The award of the Civil Actions Unit Citation, First Class, is accompanied with oak leaf clusters. The Palm used in the Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm Unit Citation is the oak leaf device and is worn with the stem to the wearer’s right.
Fourrageres (no order of precedence)
French Fourrageres

WWII (more red than WWI) WWI (more green than WWII)
The French Fourragere may be awarded by the French government when a unit has been cited twice for the Croix de Guerre. When a unit has been cited four times for the Croix de Guerre, the colors in the Fourragere (green and red) are changed to one in the colors of the Medaille Militaire (yellow and green). The Fourragere in the colors of the Medaille Militaire is the ranking decoration. The award of the Fourragere is not automatic, but requires a specific decree of the French government. Persons who were present in only one action are not authorized to wear the Fourragere.
Belgian Fourragere

The Belgian Fourragere may be awarded by the Belgian government when a unit has been cited twice in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army. The award of the Fourragere is not automatic, but must be by specific decree of the Belgian government.
Netherlands Orange Lanyard

The Orange Lanyard may be awarded by the Netherlands government when a unit has been cited and awarded the Netherlands Military Order of William. It may also be awarded independently. The award of the Orange Lanyard is not automatic, but must be by specific decree of the Netherlands government.