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Open House Survey
On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate this event?
If you did not rate a 10, what can we do to make it better?
If you did not rate a 10, what can we do to make it better is required.
What was your favorite part about this weekend’s event?
What was your favorite part about this weekend’s event is required.
What was your lease favorite part about this weekend’s event?
What was your lease favorite part about this weekend’s event is required.
What would you like to see next year?
What would you like to see next year is required.
What are some factors that would make you not want to attend this event?
What are some factors that would make you not want to attend this event is required.
Did you find maps and signs helpful?
Did you find maps and signs helpful is required.
Was the information booth easy to find?
Was the information booth easy to find is required.
Did the information booth provide you with all the information you needed?
Did the information booth provide you with all the information you needed is required.
On a scale from 1 -5 how easy was it to find events, parking, vendors?
If you did not rate a 5 how come?
If you did not rate a 5 how come is required.
What is the most valuable thing you got out of this weekend’s events?
What is the most valuable thing you got out of this weekend’s events is required.
Did you share any of your experiences on social media?
Did you share any of your experiences on social media is required.
Did you download the Texas military department app?
Did you download the Texas military department app is required.
Did you view any of the Texas military department social pages for information?
Did you view any of the Texas military department social pages for information is required.
Did you find the information on our social media helpful?
Did you find the information on our social media helpful is required.
Did you find the information on the app helpful?
Did you find the information on the app helpful is required.
Did you find the information on our website helpful?
Did you find the information on our website helpful is required.
How did you hear about Open House?
How did you hear about Open House is required.
How would you prefer to get future information on open house? TV, radio, internet (web page or social) or fliers?
How would you prefer to get future information on open house TV, radio, internet (web page or social) or fliers is required.
Do you plan to attend next year’s event?
Do you plan to attend next year’s event is required.
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