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"Texans Defending Texas"
Media wishing to cover the training can contact Chief Warrant Officer 2 Janet Schmelzer, Texas State Guard PUblic Affairs at 817-821-0899; email for coordination, media credentials and event escort.
Erath County Resident Participating in Disaster Response Training
CAMP MABRY, Texas (June 5, 2014) – More than 150 guardsmen with the 4th Regiment, Civil Affairs, Texas State Guard (TXSG) in cooperation with local civil authorities will be conducting annual training exercises in Denton, Texas, June 5-8, 2014.
One local Erath County resident with ties to Stephenville, Lt. Col. Lloyd Lietz, is among those Texas State Guardsmen currently participating in disaster response training. Lietz serves as the Executive Officer and Operations Officer for the 4th Regiment, Civil Affairs, Texas State Guard. Joining in 2013, after 27 years of service with the U.S. Army, he is proud to continue giving back to the community and serve alongside fellow guardsmen who place service before self.
“The motto of the TXSG is ‘Texans Serving Texans’ and I have learned that the Soldiers of the TXSG live this motto every day,” said Lietz. “They volunteer to serve long hours on their own time without pay. Their conduct and performance is as professional as any that I have ever seen.”
He was commissioned into the U.S. Army through the Branch Immaterial Officers' Candidate Course, Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1979. He received training in Defense Emergency Preparedness Course at Mount Weather, Virginia, in 2003. He retired in 2005, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He holds a degree in Journalism from Texas A&M University and a Master of Arts in Military History from the American Military University, Manassas, Virginia.
Lietz has been married to the former Gloria Geffe of Hague, North Dakota, since 1979. They have three children: Charlene, from San Antonio; June who is a Medical Service Corps Officer and serving as a MEDEVAC pilot at Fort Bragg; and son Richard of New York City. His son-in-law, Justin, is an officer in the North Carolina National Guard while he attends graduate school. His mother, Charlene Lietz Moser, is a long time resident of Stephenville.
He and other guardsmen will spend this time in Denton training on shelter management operations and points of distribution, so that in the event of a natural or manmade disaster, the 4th Regiment is ready to provide immediate necessities, food and fresh water to those affected by the emergency. Other training activities will include radio communications, command post operations and the web-based emergency operations command system.
The 4th Regiment consists of a headquarters located in Fort Worth and three Battalions located in Weatherford, Arlington and Decatur, Texas.
The Texas State Guard is one of three branches of the Texas Military Forces (TXMF), operating under the command of the Adjutant General of Texas and the Governor as Commander-in-Chief of all state military forces. The TXMF includes the Texas Army National Guard and the Texas Air National Guard.
The mission of the Texas State Guard (TXSG) is to provide mission-ready military forces to assist state and local authorities in times of state emergencies; to conduct homeland security and community service activities under the umbrella of Defense Support to Civil Authorities; and to augment the Texas Army National Guard and Texas Air National Guard as required.
Headquartered at Camp Mabry in Austin, Texas, the TXSG functions as an organized state militia under the authority of Title 32 of the U.S. Code and Chapter 431 of the Texas Government Code.
The mission of the Texas Military Forces (TXMF) is to provide the Governor and the President with ready and trained forces in support of the citizens of Texas and State and Federal civil/military authorities at home and abroad.
The Texas Military Forces are commanded by the Adjutant General of Texas, the state's senior military official appointed by the governor, and is comprised of the Texas Military Department (formerly the Adjutant General's Department), the Texas Army National Guard (TXARNG), the Texas Air National Guard (TXANG), the Texas State Guard (TXSG) and the Domestic Operations Command (DOMOPS).
Texas Military Forces Public Affairs
P.O. Box 5218, Building 10
Camp Mabry (Austin), Texas 78703