WHO: TXARNG volunteers in grades O5, O4, O3, E8 or E7 to serve as subject matter experts in the operations, intelligence, protection, and sustainment warfighting functions with the following branches/MOS: INF/11, EN/12, FA/13, MP/31, INT/35, LG/90/92 and O1A/O2A (Branch Immaterial)
WHEN: Mobilize February 2016 to CONUS Replacement Center (CRC), deploy NLT March 2016 for a 9-12 month deployment.
WHY: Support immediate additional request for forces (RFF) from CENTCOM to provide subject matter expertise (SME) in specific warfighting function (WFF)
NATO Resolute Support Mission - http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_113694.htm
POC: TXARNG Mobilization Team Email - ng.tx.txarng.list.txarng-mobilization@mail.mil