Story by: Chief Warrant Officer Two Janet Schmelzer
Posted: October 2, 2015
Col. Alfred Sustaita, Jr.
GRAPEVINE, Texas - The 4th Regiment, Texas State Guard, welcomed a new commander, Col. Alfred Sustaita, Jr., during an assumption of command ceremony at the 9/11 Flight Crew memorial in Grapevine, September 12, 2015. Sustaita will lead 4th Regiment headquarters and three battalions in Weatherford, Decatur and Arlington.
"I am honored to be the commander of the 4th Regiment. The soldiers in this unit are the best trained and I plan to continue the strong leadership role of Col. Lietz," commented Sustaita.
Sustaita has spent his entire military career in the Texas State Guard. Enlisting as a private in 1989, he joined the 202nd Military Police Battalion. His was commissioned a second lieutenant and was assigned to the 8th Military Police Brigade in 1993. Other assignments included aide-de-camp to the deputy commander of operations south and commanding officer, B Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Military Police Brigade.
Sustaita was promoted to the rank of colonel, September 26, 2015.
After the Texas State Guard was reorganized, Sustaita became the 2nd Regiment operations officer, commanding officer of the Quick Reaction Team, and commanding officer, 1st Battalion. His most recent assignment was operations officer, Texas Medical Brigade. His state active duty deployments include hurricanes Rita, Dean, Dolly, Edouard, Gustav, Ike, and Alex, and Operation Lone Star, the largest humanitarian operation in South Texas.
His professional military education includes the Texas State Guard Basic Reserve Component Non-commissioned Officer Course, Basic Officer Training Course, Advanced Officer Training Course, Infrastructure Protection Detachment Training Course, Command and General Staff Course, and the Texas Adjutant General Leader Development Program.
He has received the Texas Outstanding Service Medal, Texas Medal of Merit with one bronze acorn cluster, Adjutant General Individual Award with four star devices, Commanding General Individual Award with one silver oak leaf cluster, Texas Humanitarian Service Ribbon, Texas Faithful Service Medal with two bronze cactus devices, and the Texas State Guard Service Medal.
He supported Operation Iraqi Freedom as a contractor through the Logistics Civilian Augmentation Program in Iraq from 2003-2005.
Sustaita holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Bioenvironmental Science from Texas A&M University where he was a member of the “Fightin’ Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets.” He is married to Dawn Lei and resides in Alvin. They have one son, Wyatt Tomas Sustaita.