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"Texans Defending Texas"
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Barrow to Head Army National Guard G-3 Training, Plans and Operations Department
CAMP MABRY, Texas (June 6, 2014) - The Texas Military Forces is pleased to announce that Col. Greg Barrow, has been named the Director of the G-3 Training, Plans and Operations Department for the Texas Army National Guard.
As the Director of Operations, Barrow and his staff assist in planning, coordinating and resourcing operations and training for the Texas Army National Guard, in order to mobilize and deploy units in support of State Homeland Security Missions and Federal Overseas Contigency Operations.
Barrow received his commission through the ROTV program at Sam Houston State University in 1986. Spending his carrer as an infantry Officer, he serves as commander of the 3rd Battalion 144th Infantry Regiment and most recently as the Deputy Operations Officer for the 36th Infantry Division during a deployment to Iraq in 2010. He is currently a member of the class of 2014 at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Barrow also servers as the Brigade Commander of the 72nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team in Houston, Texas. He and his wife, Jennifer, currently reside in Round Rock, Texas with their four children.
Barrow will be replacing Col. Robert Crow as he moves to the Chief of Staff position in the 71st Troop Command.
The mission of the Texas Military Forces (TXMF) is to provide the Governor and the President with ready and trained forces in support of the citizens of Texas and State and Federal civil/military authorities at home and abroad.
The Texas Military Forces are commanded by the Adjutant General of Texas, the state's senior military official appointed by the governor, and is comprised of the Texas Military Department (formerly the Adjutant General's Department), the Texas Army National Guard (TXARNG), the Texas Air National Guard (TXANG), the Texas State Guard (TXSG) and the Domestic Operations Command (DOMOPS).
Texas Military Forces Public Affairs
P.O. Box 5218, Building 10
Camp Mabry (Austin), Texas 78703