Page 14 - The Dispatch December 2019
P. 14

           HALL     HONOR

                                              The Texas Military Department Hall of Honor was established in 1981
                                              as a way to recognize outstanding service and leadership of individu-
                                              als while serving as members of the Texas Army, Air and State Guard.

                                              The Hall of Honor is located at the Texas Military Forces Museum in
                                              Austin, Texas, where each member's photo and biography are on dis-
                                                          play for museum-goers and event attendees.

                 Story and Photos By: Spc. Miguel Ruiz
            100th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment             Stevens, who was the first female to reach the rank of
                                                               brigadier general in the Texas Army National Guard in
          AUSTIN,  Texas  –  The  Texas  Military  Department  in-  2006, said that she recognized a responsibility for set-
          ducted three retired veterans into the Hall of Honor,  ting a competent and capable example of leadership
          Oct. 27, 2019 at Camp Mabry.                         to her Soldiers.

          Retired Maj. Gen. Joyce Stevens, retired Col. Timmy  “With that promotion came a knowledge that female
          Hines and retired Chief Master Sgt. Kevin O’Gorman  Soldiers were looking up to me for inspiration,” said
          were recognized for their outstanding and exemplary  Stevens. “I would advise both female and male Sol-
          service to the Texas Military Department during a for-  diers who aspire to become senior leaders to learn
          mal ceremony.                                        the job you are in as well as the next job. Volunteer
                                                               for hard work and boldly volunteer for leadership po-
          Several senior members of the Texas Military Depart-  sitions.”
          ment, including Maj. Gen. Tracy R. Norris, the Adju-
          tant General of Texas, were in attendance.           The inductees’ framed plaques and biographies are
                                                               set to be permanently enshrined at the Texas Military
          “These individuals have records that are lengthy and  Forces  Museum  at  Camp  Mabry  for  future  genera-
          remarkable,” said Norris during the ceremony. “They  tions to admire.
          have spent their careers supporting their fellow ser-
          vice members and pushing the Texas Military Depart-  “To  be  remembered  and  recognized  by  leadership
          ment forward into the future.”                       and my peers as someone that they feel made an im-
                                                               pact in our force is a great honor,” said O’Gorman, the
          Framed plaques, displaying a photo of each inductee  former state command chief master sergeant of the
          along with a summary of his or her contributions to  Texas Military Department.
          the Texas Military Department, were unveiled during
          the ceremony.                                        The inductees will join more than 100 Soldiers and
                                                               Airmen who have been inducted into the Hall of Hon-
          “I  remember  looking  at  the  photos  of  the  Hall  of  or in the last 38 years.
          Honor inductees as a junior officer and, though I did
          not know them, I was inspired by the written accom-  “Each of these individuals has left a lasting impact on
          plishments under each person’s photo,” said Stevens,  the Texas Military Department. Thank you for the job
          former Texas Military Department Assistant Adjutant  well done,” said Norris. “We all look forward to their
          General - Army. “I like to think that someday a junior  continued service as a motivation for us to strive to
          leader will see my photo and be inspired to serve and  be the best we can be, not only for ourselves, but for
          lead our Soldiers well and faithfully.”              those that are following in our footsteps.” -D

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